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In 1907 a storm devastates the thermal building facilities. Half hidden by the strong vegetation and the very abundant waters of its contours, the Vilo pool continues, spilling sulfuric, magnesium-calcium and nitrogenous waters at the constant temperature of 21º Celsius, specific to the skin and herpetism.Īccording to historians, in 1828 a building with terraced rooms was inaugurated, although due to problems related to the ownership of the Spa, its facilities gradually deteriorated until they were completely abandoned. This spa is not characterized by a marble construction, just a pool of sculpted broccoli sculpted over a thousand years ago and the feeling of going back in time. Located in a privileged place, the Bath of Vilo Baths came to be considered in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries as one of the most important in Andalusia.

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Rab bath, you will find it 2, 5 Km from Periana in the village of Baños de Vilo, just over 610 meters above sea level.

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